
rgeeExtra serves as a wrapper for the Python package named eeExtra. The creation of eeExtra was driven by a need to consolidate various third-party GEE Javascript and Python packages and projects found on GitHub in the same programming language and style, avoiding dependencies. rgeeExtra ensures a seamless integration of eeExtra within the R ecosystem


ee_Initialize()        # Initialize the Google Earth Engine API connection
extra_Initialize()     # Load the extended functionalities of rgeeExtra

Features for ee$ImageCollection

ee$ImageCollection objects in Earth Engine represent collections of satellite images, allowing for comprehensive analysis over time and space. The rgeeExtra package enhances these functionalities within R, providing tools for diverse and complex image collection processing and analysis.

1. Automated Preprocessing

The ee$ImageCollection$Extra_preprocess function streamlines preprocessing of Earth Engine ImageCollections. It efficiently performs tasks like cloud masking and pixel value decompression, converting integer pixels to float point numbers, essential for accurate and clear image analysis.

# Load and preprocess Sentinel-2 SR image collection.
ic <- ee$ImageCollection$Dataset$COPERNICUS_S2_SR %>%

# Define visualization parameters for RGB bands.
visParams <- list(
  bands = c("B4","B3","B2"),
  min = 0, 
  max = 0.4, 
  gamma = 1.5

# Display 100th image from preprocessed collection on map.
Map$setCenter(lon = 35.19, lat = 46.14, zoom = 10)
Map$addLayer(ic[[100]], visParams = visParams, "Preprocessed image")

2. Retrieve offset parameter

The ee$ImageCollection$Extra_getOffsetParams function is essential for accessing offset parameters in ee$ImageCollection objects, crucial for understanding Earth Engine’s lossless compression, encapsulated in the equation IMG_Float_Values = scale * IMG_Integer_Values + offset. This aids in precise data conversion and analysis.

# Get offset parameters from NASA IMERG V06 image collection.
offset_params <- ee$ImageCollection("NASA/GPM_L3/IMERG_V06") %>%

# Display offset parameters for each band.
# Result:
# $HQobservationTime
# [1] 0
# $HQprecipSource
# [1] 0
# $HQprecipitation
# [1] 0
# $IRkalmanFilterWeight
# [1] 0
# $IRprecipitation
# [1] 0
# $precipitationCal
# [1] 0
# $precipitationUncal
# [1] 0
# $probabilityLiquidPrecipitation
# [1] 0
# $randomError
# [1] 0

3. Retrieve scale parameter

The ee$Image$Extra_getScaleParams function in Earth Engine is essential for data accuracy, extracting scale parameters for each band of an ee$Image. This supports the conversion of integer pixel values to floating-point numbers, crucial for data integrity. The core equation for this process is: IMG_Float_Values = scale * IMG_Integer_Values + offset, ensuring precise data representation.

# Retrieve scale parameters for the NASA IMERG V06 collection.
scale_params <- ee$ImageCollection("NASA/GPM_L3/IMERG_V06") %>%

# Display scale parameters for each band in the image.
# Result:
# $HQobservationTime
# [1] 1
# $HQprecipSource
# [1] 1
# $HQprecipitation
# [1] 1
# $IRkalmanFilterWeight
# [1] 1
# $IRprecipitation
# [1] 1
# $precipitationCal
# [1] 1
# $precipitationUncal
# [1] 1
# $probabilityLiquidPrecipitation
# [1] 1
# $randomError
# [1] 1

4. Automatic decompression

Earth Engine applies a straightforward lossless compression method: Floating-point image values IMG_Float_Values are calculated from integer image values (IMG_Integer_Values) using the formula IMG_Float_Values = scale * IMG_Integer_Values + offset. The ee$Image$Extra_scaleAndOffset method is used to convert integer pixel values back to floating-point numbers.

# Adjust Sentinel-2 SR images for scale and offset.
adjusted_images <- ee$ImageCollection("COPERNICUS/S2_SR") %>%

5. Retrieve STAC metadata

The ee$ImageCollection$Extra_getSTAC function is designed to access STAC (SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog) metadata from ee$ImageCollection objects. This capability is crucial for obtaining comprehensive metadata for each band, enhancing data understanding and usability in Earth Engine applications.

# Retrieve STAC metadata from NASA's IMERG V06 image collection.
stac_metadata <- ee$ImageCollection("NASA/GPM_L3/IMERG_V06") %>%

# Description of the dataset

# Spatial extent of the dataset

# Temporal interval of the dataset

# Data Provider IDs

# Terms of use of the dataset

# Type of the collection

# Dataset ID

# Keywords associated with the dataset

# License information

# Links to additional resources and information

# Providers of the dataset

# Citation information

# Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

# STAC version and extensions

# Summaries of band information and visualizations

# Citation information

# Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

# STAC version and extensions

# Summaries of band information and visualizations

6. Names of properties

The names function is designed to extract property names from an Earth Engine ImageCollection object ee$ImageCollection. This functionality is essential for identifying and accessing specific properties associated with an image collection, thereby enhancing data management and analysis in Earth Engine.

# Filter Sentinel-2 Surface Reflectance images for Jan 1-2, 1999
ic <- ee$ImageCollection("COPERNICUS/S2_SR") %>%
  ee$ImageCollection$filterDate("2018-01-01", "2019-01-02")

# Output property names of the ImageCollection
# Output:
#  [1] "date_range"                   "period"                      
#  [3] "system:visualization_0_min"   "type_name"                   
#  [5] "keywords"                     "system:visualization_0_bands"
#  [7] "thumb"                        "description"                 
#  [9] "source_tags"                  "system:id"                   
# [11] "visualization_0_max"          "provider_url"                
# [13] "title"                        "sample"                      
# [15] "tags"                         "system:visualization_0_max"  
# [17] "product_tags"                 "provider"                    
# [19] "visualization_0_min"          "system:version"              
# [21] "system:visualization_0_name"  "visualization_0_name"        
# [23] "visualization_0_bands"                                      

7. Extract or replace parts

The [[ method allows for extraction or replacement of specific parts within an ee$ImageCollection. This function is pivotal for selectively accessing or modifying images based on their index in Earth Engine.

# Load TerraClimate dataset for 2001
terraclimate <- ee$ImageCollection("IDAHO_EPSCOR/TERRACLIMATE") %>%
  ee$ImageCollection$filterDate("2001-01-01", "2002-01-01")

# Define temperature Vis parameters
maximumTemperatureVis <- list(
  min = -300.0,
  max = 300.0,
  palette = c(
    '1a3678', '2955bc', '5699ff', '8dbae9', 'acd1ff', 'caebff', 'e5f9ff',
    'fdffb4', 'ffe6a2', 'ffc969', 'ffa12d', 'ff7c1f', 'ca531a', 'ff0000',

# Configure map, extract property names, and add original temperature layer
Map$setCenter(71.72, 52.48, 2)
tnames <- names(terraclimate[[2]])
m1 <- Map$addLayer(terraclimate[[2]][["tmmx"]], maximumTemperatureVis)

# Modify the second image (scale by 1.4), keep original names, and add to map
terraclimate[[2]] <- terraclimate[[2]]*1.4
names(terraclimate[[2]]) <- tnames
m2 <- Map$addLayer(terraclimate[[2]][["tmmx"]], maximumTemperatureVis)
m1 | m2

8. Complete GIF Toolkit for Earth Engine

Create a GIF

The ee_utils_gif_creator function generates a GIF from an Earth Engine ImageCollection, ideal for RGB or RGBA images. It’s a convenient wrapper around ee$ImageCollection$getVideoThumbURL, allowing for customized animations through visualization parameters. This tool is perfect for visualizing temporal changes or patterns in spatial data.

Add text to a GIF

The ee_utils_gif_annotate function enhances GIFs by adding customizable text. It acts as a wrapper for image_annotate, allowing users to specify text properties like location, rotation, size, font, style, and color. This function is ideal for labeling or providing context in GIF visualizations, accommodating various text attributes to suit different presentation needs.

Write a GIF

The ee_utils_gif_save function, a wrapper for image_write from the magick package, efficiently writes a magick-image object as a GIF file. It offers options like format, quality, depth, and more, allowing for detailed customization of the output GIF, making it ideal for saving and sharing Earth Engine visualizations.

# Process the JRC/GSW1_1/YearlyHistory image collection: calculate the yearly image, apply despeckling, and set the 'year' property.
col <- ee$ImageCollection("JRC/GSW1_1/YearlyHistory")$map(function(img) {
  year <- img$date()$get("year")
  yearImg <- img$gte(2)$multiply(year)
  despeckle <- yearImg$connectedPixelCount(15, TRUE)$eq(15)
  yearImg$updateMask(despeckle)$selfMask()$set("year", year)

# Function to reverse the order of image collection based on 'year'.
appendReverse <- function(col) col$merge(col$sort('year', FALSE))

# ------------------------------
# 1. Basic Animation - Ucayali, Peru
# ------------------------------

# Define color codes for the background and river pixels.
bgColor = "FFFFFF" # White for background.
riverColor = "0D0887" # Blue for river.

# Create the dataset for animation.
annualCol = col$map(function(img) {
    visualize(min = 0, max = 1, palette = c(bgColor, riverColor))$
    set("year", img$get("year"))
basicAnimation <- appendReverse(annualCol)

# Set video parameters like dimensions, region, and frame rate.
aoi <- ee$Geometry$Rectangle(-74.327, -10.087, -73.931, -9.327)
videoArgs = list(
  dimensions = 600, # Maximum dimension in pixels.
  region = aoi,
  framesPerSecond = 10

# Generate, annotate, and save the GIF animation.
animation <- ee_utils_gif_creator(basicAnimation, videoArgs, mode = "wb")
get_years <- basicAnimation$aggregate_array("year")$getInfo()
animation %>%
  ee_utils_gif_annotate("Ucayali, Peru") %>%
  ee_utils_gif_annotate(get_years, size = 15, location = "+90+40",
                        boxcolor = "#FFFFFF") %>%
  ee_utils_gif_annotate("created using {magick} + {rgee}",
                        size = 15, font = "sans",location = "+70+20") ->
gc(reset = TRUE)
ee_utils_gif_save(animation_wtxt, path = paste0(tempfile(), ".gif"))

9. Citation in publications

For academic and research purposes, ee$ImageCollection$Extra_getCitation retrieves the citation information of Earth Engine objects. This function is crucial for properly crediting the source of Earth Engine data in publications, providing a formatted citation string for reference.

# Fetching NASA/GPM_L3/IMERG_V06 image collection and retrieving its citation.
citation <- ee$ImageCollection("NASA/GPM_L3/IMERG_V06") %>%

# Display the citation

# Huffman, G.J., E.F. Stocker, D.T. Bolvin, E.J. Nelkin, Jackson Tan (2019),
# GPM IMERG Final Precipitation L3 Half Hourly 0.1 degree x 0.1 degree V06,
# Greenbelt, MD, Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center
# (GES DISC), Accessed: [Data Access Date],
# [doi:10.5067/GPM/IMERG/3B-HH/06](

10. Get the Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

The ee$ImageCollection$Extra_getDOI function is designed to extract the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from Earth Engine objects. This feature is essential for accessing permanent, unique identifiers of Earth Engine datasets, facilitating data traceability and sharing in research and publications.

# Retrieve and print the DOI for the NASA/GPM_L3/IMERG_V06 image collection.
doi <- ee$ImageCollection("NASA/GPM_L3/IMERG_V06") %>%

doi # "10.5067/GPM/IMERG/3B-HH-L/06"

11. Get the temporal nearest image

The ee$ImageCollection$Extra_closest function identifies the closest image to a specified date within an Earth Engine ee$ImageCollection. It filters the collection within a user-defined tolerance range and unit, optimizing the search process, especially in collections with dense temporal data

# Define ROI with specified longitude and latitude.
roi <- ee$Geometry$Point(c(-77.232, -9.276))

# Retrieve closest Sentinel-2 SR image to 2021-08-15 within 5 days for ROI.
ic <- ee$ImageCollection$Dataset$COPERNICUS_S2_SR %>%
  ee$ImageCollection$filterBounds(roi) %>%
  ee$ImageCollection$Extra_closest("2021-08-15",  5, "day") 
image <- ic[[1]]

# Set visualization parameters for the image.
visParams <- list(
  bands = c("B11","B8","B2"),
  min = 250, 
  max = 9090, 
  gamma = 1.5

# Retrieve the unique system identifier (system:id) of the image.
systemId <- image$get("system:id")$getInfo()
# Expected output: "COPERNICUS/S2_SR/20210816T152639_20210816T152842_T18LTQ"

# Display image on map centered at ROI.
Map$centerObject(roi, zoom = 10)
Map$addLayer(image, visParams = visParams)